Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

First line: You are a very real person when that is what you wish you weren’t most.

I read Ambulance Sounds for the second time today.

I like this book and I really like Sam Pink. I wish I could write like he does. A lot of it seems random, awkward, strange, but everything sounds so honest. I feel like he just writes without any sort of filter, just writes what’s in his head without caring what people might think when they read it. Or even what he might think when he reads it.

I’ve tried to describe this book (and others by Sam Pink) to people and I always end up confusing myself. I’m really bad at it. Amazon says it’s poetry, so I guess it’s poetry. Really awesome poetry.

These are just a few of my many favorite quotes from Ambulance Sounds:

You hate when life reminds you it is really happening.

You are an expert at experiencing pain and maintaining the same look, the one that fools people who want to be fooled.

You eat things even if they aren’t fully microwaved because you don’t deserve any luxury.

You see people outside your window and you lean out the windowframe and go, ‘Hey, catch me okay’ then jump before there is an answer.

You want to know something, you are a mathematical equation that begins with a bunch of meaningless signs and ends the same way but it looks like a lot has happened (and you know I mean that as a compliment).

2 responses to “You Hear Ambulance Sounds and Think They Are For You by Sam Pink”

  1. The Other Watson Avatar

    It sounds intriguing! :)

    1. Bean Avatar

      If you like to read “weird” stuff, you should check it out. I think it might be considered bizzaro, but it’s not super graphic like most of the bizarro books I’ve read. I prefer Sam Pink to other bizzaro writers for sure. If you’re interested, but you’re not familiar with the genre, he’s probably a good author to start with.

      Hm. I should have put THAT in my post. I’m always thinking of better things to say way after I need something to say!

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