Rating: 1 out of 5.

First line: I guess in the old days, in other places, boys like me usually ended up twisting and kicking in the empty air between the gallows.

This book is not for me. I read the whole thing, hoping it would get better, or that there would be a single part of the book I enjoyed, but neither of those things happened.

I didn’t like any of the characters. I could understand Jack being messed up after his encounter with Freddie, but honestly, he was total jerk the whole time. He was raised by his grandparents, who love him, and he treats them like crap. His best friend, Connor, is a complete asshole, and it seems like the only thing he does for half the book is call Jack gay because he’s a virgin, or because they fell asleep next to each other on a bed. Or because Jack won’t join in on the sex Connor is having with his girlfriend (what the?). The way it was written, like it was a bad thing, an accusation, an insult, “you’re so gay!”, made the whole thing seem very homophobic. I know a lot of other readers have mentioned it in their reviews, but it’s worth mentioning again because it really distracted me from the story itself.

Which, by the way, I didn’t care for either. Life for Jack and Connor in London consisted of beer and two girls (who were, of course, the hottest chicks in the world, duh) that they met and fell in love with three days later. It was boring, but I was okay with that because life in Marbury was supposed to be where all the excitement as action was. Much to my disappointment, Jack’s adventures in Marbury were just as boring as his adventures in London. Sure, Marbury had an alternate version of everyone in the real world and giant ghost-eating bugs, but even that wasn’t enough to make it a mildly interesting place.

Nope. Nope, nope, nope. Not for me.

3 responses to “The Marbury Lens by Andrew Smith”

  1. Pooka Avatar

    This book is on my to-read list on Goodreads. I’m seriously considering deleting it now. I’ve heard it’s really gory and violent… what did you think of that?

    1. bookishbean Avatar

      There was a lot of gore when Jack first got to Marbury. Basically, he ended up in a room full of body parts nailed to walls. There were penises on the walls. It sounded more funny than freaky. I just kept imagining walls with wieners all over them and it was hilarious in my head.

      There was some gore later, and a bit of violence, but it wasn’t as intense as it was supposed to be, and a lot of people on Goodreads agree with me on that. Obviously you know I didn’t like it, but seriously… skip this one. I read a review in which someone said “I Am Not A Serial Killer” by Dan Wells is a good alternative if you’re looking for YA gore/violence. It’s the first in a trilogy about a teenage sociopath who has a ton of homicidal thoughts and is terrified of becoming a serial killer. I have it on my Kindle and plan to read it soon. Or, this year at least!

  2. […] can’t wait to read the rest of the series. It was exactly what I needed after reading The Marbury Lens, ew. I like when I want to finish a book because I love it instead of wanting to finish it so I can […]

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