Rating: 2 out of 5.

First line: There were only two kinds of people in our town.

I just found out that Beautiful Creatures was made into a movie so I figured I’d write a bit of a review, but then I realized that even though I only read it a month ago, I couldn’t remember much of it. I had to go look through reviews on Goodreads to figure out what I can only assume I blocked from memory.

Here’s a quick summary: Typical popular guy Ethan meets and quickly falls for typical strange outcast Lena. Somewhere along the line, Ethan finds out that Lena isn’t a normal strange girl, but a paranormal strange girl, a Caster (basically a witch). Normally, Casters can choose to be light (good), or dark (bad) on their own, but Lena’s family is cursed. On her 16th birthday, it will be decided for her whether she’s good or evil, and there’s no in-between.

As you can imagine, Lena is terrified that she’ll be “claimed” as a Dark Caster, which would totally suck because she’s a nice girl who wants to be good. I feel for her, I really do. But she spends nearly every moment crying about it and it got to the point where I just didn’t care. I just wanted the claiming to happen already. Yeah, she may turn evil, but at least she’ll shut up about it.

While Lena is freaking out about her 16th birthday, Ethan is freaking out about how horrible the south is. Every classmate and parent was a judgmental asshole, with the exception of his best friend (and even he was pretty dumb). Everyone was nosy, opinionated, and… southern. Apparently, those things go hand in hand.

In the midst of all their freaking out is a bunch of magic crap I can’t remember clearly. Something about a locket that transports them back to a time when Ethan’s great, great, whatever uncle and Lena’s… someone from her family… were in love, but they couldn’t be together. Ethan and Lena watch their ancestors try and fail to be together. Sucks to be them.

Anyway, even though the whole Caster idea was new to me, everything else seemed stale. Popular boy, unhappy with his popularity and his shallow classmates, falls for outcast girl and becomes an outcast himself because his popular friends just don’t understand. Ugh.

And then the ending! No. Just no. Cop out ending only there because they wanted to write more than one book.

4 responses to “Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia, Margaret Stohl”

  1. The Other Watson Avatar

    Hahaha, I like your honesty! The trailer of the film made it look like nothing special or new, glad to know the book isn’t worth it either.

    1. bookishbean Avatar

      I think I enjoy writing about books I don’t like. When I love a book, I have a hard time thinking of anything to say beyond “This book is cool durrr!” and I feel like my reviews are really disjointed. It’s so much easier when I don’t like a book!

      But yeah… I wouldn’t recommend this one. I haven’t seen the trailer yet but I have this horrible habit of watching every movie based on books I’ve read. I’m sure that even if I don’t want to, I’ll end up watching this one at some point.

      1. The Other Watson Avatar

        I must admit, my blog very nearly went in that direction, or ranting about terrible books and films. I’m not even entirely sure why I didn’t? But the only book I’ve negatively reviewed (that I can think of) is The Sense Of An Ending by Julian Barnes, which somehow won the Man Booker back in 2011. Don’t know why it did, it’s absolute rubbish. It was trying so hard to be intellectual and almost snobby, yet it didn’t have anything particularly intelligent to say in the end. It made me so angry I had wasted time reading it hahaha.
        I actually often struggle to watch movies based on books I’ve read, especially if I know they’re bad. One of my fave books ever is Captain Corelli’s Mandolin, which is a stunning book but apparently the movie is among the worst of all time, so much so it puts people off the book which is really quite sad. I also haven’t watched the film version of Catch-22 which is my all time favourite book. I am loving the Tolkien film adaptations though! :)

        1. bookishbean Avatar

          I get don’t like wasting my time on bad books either, but I think that’s probably how my blog will end up. I write a lot of stories and only the negative stuff is any good. Same goes for anything else I write. I used to hate it but now I kind of like it. I have trouble saying what I want to say if it’s not nice, so being able to write it feels good.

          I completely understand your book to movie struggle. They always upset me because I want them to be nearly identical and they rarely are. I’d be afraid to watch a movie of my favorite book!

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