
My name is Michelle (or Elle), I’m 36, I grew up in California, I live in Connecticut. If you’ve been following me for a very long time, you may be wondering who the hell Libro Vermo is, but you might remember me as Bookish Bean.

I love reading (my favorites are speculative fiction, horror, and anything very strange) and I love writing about what I read. I tend to keep my reviews pretty casual, but I’ve been told I don’t know how to write anything shorter than a book, so they’re usually on the longish side.

In 2012, I contacted one of my favorite authors about purchasing a couple of his books. He asked if I wouldn’t mind reviewing them, but I told him I already reviewed one of his books on Amazon and everyone rated it as “unhelpful” so I didn’t think I was very good at it. He said they were assholes and I shouldn’t worry about what other people think of my reviews because good or bad, they are never unhelpful.

He made me feel a lot more confident about writing reviews, so I started this blog in January of 2013 as a place to keep and share them. I kept the blog until 2015 and then off and on over the years. Now, as of December 2023, I’m back as Libro Vermo.

As Bookish Bean, I wrote spoiler-heavy reviews. As Libro Vermo, I’m no longer into the spoiler scene. So I decided to make a lot of my old reviews private. Other than that, I’m still the same me. I still order pineapple on my pizza, I spend my free time reading or playing video games, I love to dance around my house like a maniac, and I love Oxford commas.


Professional Reader 10 Book Reviews

7 responses to “About”

  1. Michelle Ross Avatar

    I love that you start each review with the first sentence of the book!

    1. bookishbean Avatar

      Thank you! A book’s first sentence is often what convinces me to start reading it, so I like to give it some time in the spotlight :]

  2. The Other Watson Avatar

    Hey, so I’ve been really enjoying your blog so I’ve nominated you for The Addictive Blog Award! :)

    The Addictive Blog Award

  3. May Mitchell Avatar
    May Mitchell

    I’m so glad you’re back! I read a few of your reviews towards the beginning of the year and was bummed when you stopped posting. I’m looking forward to reading more reviews from you :)

    1. bookishbean Avatar

      Thanks, May!

  4. Jessie Avatar

    I can’t believe you’ve been here so long, that’s really cool! I really like your reviews and your taste in books even though you like pineapple on your pizza 😜

    1. Libro Vermo Avatar

      Thank you so much, Jessie. Since you’re so kind, I’ll forgive you for that pineapple comment 😂

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